July 7, 2011

Invasion of algae on the coast of China

Ecology • 19.07.2011

Invasion of algae on the coast of China

Chinese beaches on the shore of the Yellow Sea hit the "weed" - A huge number of green algae called "enteromorpha prolifera", came to the shore. Shore bundled dense green carpet. The beach turned into a swamp, and bathers swim in the thick wet undergrowth. The sea is also covered with a thick layer of algae, and each wave brings them more and more. A little more and the water near the shore will be walking. In clearing the algae help local fishermen, divers and the military.
See also: On the crest of a wavebeach "Orchard" in the Bronx , Lost beaches
(Total 13 photos)
weed07 800x533 invasion of algae on the coast of China

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July 4, 2011

Overview BMW MINI Cooper S Countryman

In a series of amateur test drives I have described their perceptions of management of many cars. I can say that comparing them to each other, I always managed to find a lot in common. But the first time I had a chance to become intimately familiar with the car, so different from the other representatives of the automotive industry. In this review we will focus on the Mini. This is not just a stylish and original youth hatchback, and the first crossover, released by BMW brand Mini. I must say that the Cooper S Countryman even jokingly be called "front-BMW» - car boasts all-wheel drive transmission. To be precise, the permanent all-wheel drive are not talking, our "experimental" has become, perhaps, the classical scheme: front-wheel drive + plus back on demand. In a word, the prefix ALL4 next to the model name written in the certificate of registration at all accidental.

00011 Overview of BMW MINI Cooper S Countryman