December 31, 2011

2011 in Pictures: Part III


In this post, featuring images from the last quarter of 2011, we remember a tumultuous year of change across the globe, the capture of Khadafi, the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center, the passing of Apple icon Steve Jobs, fire, famine, flood and protests. A memorable year, indeed. -- Paula Nelson -- 

A defaced portrait of fugitive Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi in Tripoli on Sept. 1, 2011 as the fallen strongman vowed again not to surrender in a message broadcast on the 42nd anniversary of the coup which brought him to power. (Patrick Baz/AFP/Getty Images)

December 26, 2011

2011 in Pictures: Part II


The second collection of images from 2011 once again brought us nature at its full force with floods, drought, wild fires, tornadoes and spectacular images of volcanic eruptions. The death of Osama bin Laden, the attack on an island in Norway by a lone gunman, continued fighting in Libya, and protests around the globe were a few of the news events dominating the headlines. -- Lloyd Young 

A cloud of ash billowing from Puyehue volcano near Osorno in southern Chile, 870 km south of Santiago, on June 5. Puyehue volcano erupted for the first time in half a century on June 4, 2011, prompting evacuations for 3,500 people as it sent a cloud of ash that reached Argentina. The National Service of Geology and Mining said the explosion that sparked the eruption also produced a column of gas 10 kilometers (six miles) high, hours after warning of strong seismic activity in the area. (Claudio Santana/AFP/Getty Images) )

December 21, 2011

Wat Po @Bangkok





Ват По - один из древнейших монастырей Тайланда, имено здесь зародилось искусство тайского массажа. Wat Pho - one of the oldest monasteries of Thailand, was born here Owned art of Thai massage. Также он знаменит тем, что тут находится знаменитый Будда в ожидании достижения нирваны. Also it is known that there is the famous Buddha pending the attainment of Nirvana. Монастырь был построен по приказу основателя современной королевской династии Чакри Рамы I в 1789 г. Но обо всем по порядку The monastery was built by the founder of the modern king Rama I of the Chakri Dynasty in 1789, but first things first




 Wat Phra Chetuphon Vimolmangklararm The full name of the temple - Wat Phra Chetuphon Vimolmangklararm Temple of the Buddha, pending the attainment of Nirvana.  Near the temple there are small shrines with copies lying Buddha

Лик Будды не соответствует реальному облику человека. Face of Buddha does not match the real image of the person. Все это каноническая условность - крючковатый нос, блуждающая полуулыбка, длинные мочки ушей и непропорциональные руки, слегка выпуклые груди, волосы заплетены улитками, дабы облегчить процесс медитации. All this canonical convention - a hooked nose, wandering half-smile, long ear lobes and disproportionate hands, slightly protruding chest hair braided snails in order to facilitate the process of meditation. Всего насчитывают более двадцати черт. In all there are more than twenty features.


Особой гордостью мастеров, создававших фигуру, стали ступни Будды. Special pride of craftsmen create shapes, steel feet of the Buddha. Они действительно уникальны, поскольку тончайшим образом вырезаны из перламутра. They really are unique because most subtly carved from mother of pearl. Но это не просто орнамент. But this is not just an ornament. Для человека знающего это открытая книга. For the person who knows this is an open book. Резьба содержит 108 знаков, по которым можно опознать, что это Будда. Thread contains 108 characters, which can be identified, that is Buddha.

Отдыхающий Будда возлежит в относительно небольшом для такой огромной статуи здании. Reclining Buddha reclines in a relatively small for such a huge statue of the building. Принц Сиддхартха Гаутама изображен в момент, произошедший, согласно летописям в 543 году: именно тогда он завершил череду из 550 перерождений и достиг нирваны. Prince Siddhartha Gautama is depicted at the time of the incident, according to the chronicles in 543: then he has completed a series of rebirths of 550 and reached Nirvana. Сама скульптура сделана из кирпича и цемента и покрыта сотнями золотых пластинок. The sculpture itself is made of bricks and cement and covered with hundreds of gold records.

Это самое большое изваяние Будды в такой позе. This is the largest statue of Buddha in this position. Длинна статуи - 46 метров, высота в наивысшей точке - 15. Length of the statue - 46 meters, the height at the highest point - 15.
Интересно, что в платформе, на которой находится изваяние, замурована часть праха самого Рамы I. Interestingly, in the platform on which the statue, buried part of the dust of Rama I. В этом нет ничего удивительного. This is not surprising. Захоронения на территориях храмов - вещь вполне естественная. Burial in the Church - something quite natural. Ну а в случае с Рамой первым это тем более логично, потому что именно здесь он провозгласил себя королем и здесь же по его приказу была возведена гигантская статуя Будды. Well, in the first case of Rama is the more logical, because that's where he proclaimed himself king and here at his command, was erected a giant statue of Buddha.

Тут есть традиция разменивать мелкие монетки и разбросать по всем этим горшочкам. There is a tradition to exchange small coins and throw all of these pots. А по той же траектории ходит служитель и собирает эти монеты в ведро, потом опять продают - вот это бизнес! And on the same trajectory as the minister goes and collects the coins in a bucket, then sell again - this is the business!

Уникальность Ват По заключается в том, что в храме собраны 394 скульптуры сидящего в разных позах Будды. The uniqueness of Wat Po is in the temple sculptures collected 394 seated Buddha in different poses. Они были свезены сюда из многих, сейчас уже разрушенных храмов Юго-Восточной Азии. They were brought here from many, now ruined temples in South-East Asia.

Последующие монархи считали своим долгом добавить что-нибудь в Ват По. Subsequent monarchs were determined to add something to Wat Po. Так появились многочисленные ступы и павильоны. So there were many stupas and pavilions. Рама III соорудил белую ступу в честь Рамы II. Rama III built a white stupa in honor of Rama II. А уже в его честь Монгкут Рама IV построил желтую ступу. And in his honor Mongkut Rama IV built a yellow mortar. Монастырь постоянно разрастался и достиг сегодня весьма приличных размеров The monastery is constantly expanded and has now reached a very decent size




Сейчас весь комплекс очень интенсивно реставрируется Now the whole complex is very intense restoration

Всего на территории монастыря находится 95 ступ All in the monastery, 95 stupas

А также галерея с 400-ми статуями Будды. And also a gallery with 400-mi Buddha statues.










На территории монастыря имеются каменные статуи с изображением бородатых существ в шляпах, привезенные сюда из Китая в XIX веке. At the monastery there are stone statues depicting bearded creatures in hats, brought here from China in the XIX century. Они исполняют роль хранителей храма. They play the role of guardian of the temple. Рядом с Ват Пхо расположена декорированная китайской мозаикой библиотека, в которой находятся древние рукописи. Next to Wat Pho is decorated with mosaics of Chinese library, where there are ancient manuscripts.

Вот такие ноготки These are the nails


Однако современный Ват По является не только туристическим центром. However, the modern Wat Po is not only a tourist center. Он до сих пор выполняет свои изначальные функции, в том числе и просветительскую. He still performs its original function, including education. Тут до сих пор можно найти рисунки древних целителей Here you can still find the paintings of ancient healers












By the way, Siamese cats roam here straight down

December 13, 2011

2011 in Pictures: Part I


Any "best of" list must surely be subjective. This one is no different. Choosing the best photographs of the year is an enormously difficult task, with many terrific photographs slipping through the cracks. But with major news events as a guide, and with single images I fell in love with throughout the year forcing their way into the edit, I look at my favorite pictures from the first four months of the year. Two main stories dominated headlines in the first part of the year: the Japan earthquake and tsunami, and the rising of the Arab Spring. The protests in the Middle East would spread to Greece, Spain, and eventually inspire the Occupy movement in Western nations. Other stories included a historic wave of tornados in the U.S., a Royal wedding in London, and the creation of the world's newest nation in South Sudan. Images from the rest of the year will follow in posts later this week. -- Lane Turner 

A wave caused by a tsunami flows into the city of Miyako from the Heigawa estuary in Iwate Prefecture after a magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck Japan March 11, 2011. (Mainichi Shimbun /Reuters) 

December 12, 2011

Thai Railway Market

In a small Samut Songkhram Thai settlement, near Bangkok, the railway market. No, it's not a market where you can buy parts to lineups, wagons or wagons themselves. This is the normal market where there are tropical fruits and vegetables, there is also full of dried spices, sauces and herbs, fresh seafood and other local delicacies. Range of awnings, umbrellas, little space, all hustle. And then you notice underfoot rails. And then there is a loud beep and the market immediately revives. Buyers are trying to get away from the path, and the sellers - to remove their goods spread out on the right tracks. This strange and unusual sight - a train traveling at a speed of 24 km / h, almost touches the fruit and vegetables, and sellers at this time keep backups of their trays.

railwaymarket08 Railway Market
railwaymarket01 Railway Market
1. As the train passes, traders again corrected trays and products on the market and life goes on as if nothing had happened. In the end, the market was here long before him through the railroad in 1905.
railwaymarket02 Railway Market
2. Thais call it Talad Rom Hoop, which literally translates as "market under the umbrella contractible."
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3. Trains pass through the market seven times a day, 7 days a week. Only in the morning the train passes here 4 times.
railwaymarket04 Railway Market
4. The train arrives at 08:40 the station Ban Laem and feedback from the market at 09:00.
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5. The next train arrives at 11:20 with the same station at 11:30 and goes.
railwaymarket06 Railway Market
6. Afternoon train passes through the market 3-4 times.
railwaymarket07 Railway Market
7. The train arrives at 14:30 and goes to 15:30.
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8. The next train arrives at 17:40, but it is not always going back.
railwaymarket09 Railway Market
9. Timetable changes the speed of light, so it is best to check it out before you plan your journey through this market.
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railwaymarket16 Railway Market
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