May 13, 2011

Life in Tibet ชีวิตชาวทิเบต

In 637, the king of Tibet Songtsen Gampo built the current location on the first building in Lhasa, the place where he used to meditate. When he decided to Lhasa as its capital, he built a palace. After his engagement with the Chinese Princess Wen Cheng, expanded to 999 rooms palace, built the walls and towers, and dug a bypass channel. In the second half of the VIII century, the palace was struck by lightning and burned wooden structures, and then because of civil wars palace collapsed. Now preserved only cave-Fa Wang and Hall Pabalakan. The palace in its present form was started in 1645 on the initiative of the Dalai Lama V. In 1648, the White Palace was completed (Potrang carp), and the Potala was used as a winter residence of the Dalai Lamas. Red Palace (Potrang MARP) was completed between 1690 and 1694. The name of the palace is apparently from the legendary Mount Potala the home of the Bodhisattva Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara), which is in the land of the Dalai Lama. In the grand building attended by the best artists of the time from Tibet, Nepal and China. Under the cut several fotozarisovok Lhasa and Jodan, Tibet

1208 Жизнь в Тибете
 Two-year Bayang, Jodan, China.
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Poultry in Dzedane, China.
3133 Жизнь в Тибете
 Chicken on a poultry farm in Dzedane, China.
4103 Жизнь в Тибете
Poultry in Dzedane, China.
574 Жизнь в Тибете
 Painted cloth - a traditional craft in Tibet.
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Portraits of former Chinese leader Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin on the board in the studio, where painted cloth.
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Master painting a cloth.
965 Жизнь в Тибете
 Women weave cloth for painting.
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The Potala Palace, located in the north-west of Lhasa, was built by the ruler of Tibet Songtsen Gampo in the seventh century during the Tang Dynasty (618-907)
1369 Жизнь в Тибете
 The Potala Palace in the night light.
1466 Жизнь в Тибете
 Decoration of Tibetan pilgrim , pilgrim prays before the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa. Jokhang Temple is one of the most holy and spiritual center of Tibet, was built in 647 AD  in the day of the wedding of Princess Wen Cheng and King Songtsen Gampo.
1560 Жизнь в Тибете
 Pilgrims walk past the Potala Palace, Lhasa.
1652 Жизнь в Тибете
A woman feeds a child.
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Pilgrim prays before the Jokhang Temple.
1844 Жизнь в Тибете
Pilgrims in front of the Potala Palace.
1939 Жизнь в Тибете
 Tibetan lama.
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Pilgrims participate in the reconstruction of the temple.
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Pilgrims participate in the reconstruction of the temple.
 Getty Images/China Photos Photo (c) Getty Images / China Photos

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