September 3, 2010

Congo - hell

Congo - hell when life did not fulfill the norm - chopped off hand

Although Congo is located in the heart of Africa, it is the colonizers from Europe managed to get here first. Thus by the end of the 19th century, the Congo was a Belgian colony, and then for local residents there began a real hellon the ground. Read on.
To make it easier to plunder the country, Leopold flooded Congo punitive gangs that operated under the command of European officers and for the slightest offense destroyed entire villages of people. This is a private military organization called "social forces» (Force Publique).
Majority of the local population had to work in the plantations of rubber trees.
The Belgian authorities have found an extremely effective way to increase productivity - thanks to his production of rubber in the Congo for ten years has increased by 40 times.
Method was simple - anyone who did not follow the norm to collect rubber, cut off his hand. And the kids as well. More precisely, for non-compliance of norms relied shot. The Belgian government considered each cartridge, so demanded that punishers of Force Publique provided severed arm executed in confirmation that the cartridge has been used for its intended purpose, and it was sold to local hunters. In addition, the punishers obtained for each flogging reward.
Thugs were trickier - they just started to chop off people hands. In the end, it ended up that the severed hands were used in the Congo as a currency. They were collected from the punishers Force Publique, they collected a peaceful village ... If one village rules to collect rubber is too high, it attacked another village to pay the Belgian king terrible ransom. The peak of the rubber in the Congo occurred in 1901-1903 years. It was then that my hands began to measure the baskets. Failed to comply with the norm for the collection of rubber? With you - two baskets of hands.
Has dropped fertility began to spread hunger and disease. For the first 40 years of Belgian rule the Congolese population has decreased by 15% (from 11.5 to 10 million people).
Leopold II sold the Congo to the Belgian Government just before his death, in 1908. He did not feel a drop of regret for the millions of injured and dead people.<a href="" style="display:none">Конго — ад при жизни: не выполнил норму — отрубили руку</a>

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