January 1, 2014


On this day 37 years ago, North Vietnamese troops and Viet Cong guerrillas occupied the capital city of South Vietnam Saigon. This meant the end of the most brutal and bloody war since 1945, the onset of the long-awaited peace and reunification of the country. For the Americans, "the evacuation of Saigon" became a symbol of the greatest geopolitical defeat in the history of this state. In fact, American troops were withdrawn from Vietnam back in January 1973, from Saigon April 29, 1975 were taken by "air bridge" United States embassy personnel and other American citizens. In total, during the operation "gusty wind" on the ships of the 7th Fleet was evacuated 1,737 American citizens and 5595 foreign nationals (mainly Vietnamese).
Unload helicopters immediately dumped overboard to free up space on the deck:

And in Saigon had already entered North Vietnamese tanks:

Watch these full of dramatic footage of events on 29-30 April 1975.

In April 1975, the Vietnamese Communists launched a decisive attack on the last stronghold of the South Vietnamese regime and the end of the month they were able to overcome the desperate resistance of the enemy. In Saigon began to panic, thousands of people rushed to seek salvation to the United States Embassy:

Walls representation stormed:

Mad people have not stopped the fear of being shot by security:

In the history of forever includes shots of people clambering to one of the last helicopter on the roof of the Agency for International Development (formerly erroneously believed that it is the roof of the Embassy of the United States):

Others tried to escape on the water:

How can you not remember about the Wrangel evacuation of Sevastopol in November 1920 ...

Still others tried to escape from the city on land:

Because the fate of Saigon was solved more on the outskirts of the city, special battles in the streets was not only separate clashes with the last defenders.
Here are a Viet Cong attack on the presidential palace empty:

With all remoteness (or even inappropriate) analogy still somehow be reminded of the Reichstag:

They were here 10 long years of war:

At that time, it was probably the most battle-worthy army in Asia:

Women fought alongside men:

Young Viet Cong guerrillas in the streets of Saigon:

The joy of the winners:


If you are offended by me, first read HERE!
Perezalit do not ask! Place on the screw NO!

Liked ?! A button press !?

These pictures were shot by an American soldier Charlie Haughey. They see the view of the war from inside a direct participant in the events. And they are far from pathos and pomposity.

Soldiers riding in a truck near the base of Pershing.

Captain William takes young recruits.

Soldiers fly in a helicopter.

Construction of fortifications, soldiers put bags of cement on the parapet.

Soldier looks through bamboo thickets, from which several shots were fired.

Transport helicopter transports cargo on the basis of Pershing.

American sergeant holding a seriously ill child Vietnamese.

Shots of mortar on the Viet Cong.

A soldier checks his M-16 rifle.

Helicopters carried fire support.

Helicopters and infantry patrol the area.

Found a cache of weapons and ammunition.

Heavy with tape cartridges.

Flamethrowers unclog the jungle side of the road.

American officers led the operation on board the helicopter.

Found a cache of ammunition.

A soldier smokes.

Detainees await interrogation.

Dau Tieng on base.

Soldiers collected in bags found weapons.

Machine gun calculation.

Vietnamese argue with an American soldier.

Freighter lifts downed helicopter.

American doctors to help the wounded Vietnamese.

Weary soldiers.

Vietnamese boy looks into the camera.

American military doctor washes Vietnamese children.

Patrolling in the jungle. Soldiers wore around his neck towel to sweat to flow under the clothing.

Found during a search of the Viet Cong in the village.

Photographer Charlie Haughey with a group of Vietnamese students.

Soldiers arrange a holiday barbecue and beer.

American soldiers patrolling the rubber plantations.

Vietnamese children smoking.

Vietnamese children in school.

Vietnamese woman riding in a carriage.

Halt in the bamboo forest.

A doctor examines a Vietnamese child.

Heavy going in the jungle.

Vietnamese children look through a fence.

Haughey posing with a camera and light meter.

The soldiers sit in a helicopter.

The soldiers in the helicopter.

Vietnamese woman and child.

American officer said by telephone.

The soldier bowed his head when carried in the truck. What does he do? Can pray, or maybe just tired.


A series of photos taken by correspondent Larry Burrows in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam; ~ 1965-1973 years.

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