September 19, 2017

Rhinoceros beetle

Rhinoceros beetle

rhinoceros beetle
Insects combine amazing creatures on our planet. Among them there are better porters lift loads several orders of magnitude greater than its own weight, and a variety of community groups, poisonous, small and large, used by man and deadly.
Hero of this article is representative of scarab beetles. Among the 30,000 species of this family settled in almost all over the globe. The family is very diverse, including a plurality of champions.
Many of these beetles were nicknamed rhinoceros beetle. This is due to the presence of cilia is not the front of the head, resembling horns mammal. The family is not only the rhinoceros beetle, but stag beetle, beetle elephant beetle goliath.
rhinoceros beetle
So ordinary rhinoceros beetle (lat. Oryctes nasicornis) has several sub-divisible, in turn, on the form. Spread the bugs almost all of Europe, North Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East. Live mainly in forests, but often settle in the steppe areas with suitable conditions, such as warm not freeze shelter associated with man-made their way to human activity and the limits of natural habitats. At the larval stage lives in the trees of rotten wood, the larvae develop to several years.
rhinoceros beetle
What is interesting, the scientists noticed that the rhinoceros beetle is a huge load. When the amount to 2,5-4,3 cm, they can lift loads of up to three grams, and with the apparatus in 1.3g fly freely. That's why scientists from Berkeley (University of California) was able to harness this beetle. That is to fasten the harness on him, consisting of electrodes implanted in the brain and muscles, radio, controller and batteries. With the help of electrical impulses transmitted scientists were able to make the rhinoceros beetle moving in the right direction, that is, to carry out radio-controlled flight.
rhinoceros beetle
Thus, there is a chance that over time, be able to use these animals as observers, they can be installed cameras and other sensors.Rhinoceros beetle-dedicated their research by many scientists. So Richard Kuhn discovered the presence of semiconductor effects elytra May rhinoceros beetle under the action of ultraviolet light. As it turned out, and this horn beetle also has a solid state effects, but at different sites are different. In the 70s of the last century, even rhinoceros beetles flew into space aboard the "Soyuz" and tested under conditions of weightlessness.

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