Today - April 12 - Day of astronautics in the CIS and the International Day of human space flight! The date was chosen by chance: it was on this momentous day in 1961 rocket "R-7", created by a Soviet plant "Progress", to give the pilot Yuri Gagarin into orbit. From that moment began the real space age.
Exactly twenty years after the first human space flight, April 12, 1981 launched the first manned flight in the American program "Space Shuttle."
In honor of both events in many cities around the world since 2001, held a party-event "St. George's Night." Is organized Space Generation Advisory Council (Space Generation Advisory Council) - a non-governmental organization that brings together participants from more than 60 countries.

Yuri Gagarin. Fotorestavratsiya.

Besides Gagarin, were more applicants for the first flight into space, only twenty men. They were not the best pilots of the country, he selected the bidders Korolev, was important height, weight and health.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
In 1959, a scientific institute of aviation medicine department was established for the selection and training of astronauts. Headed by his beautiful aviation doctor and a great athlete - NN Gurovsky. As time passes, Yuri Gagarin will remember those who were destined to enter the cosmonaut "Glorious crept we guys ... There is one thing that unites all - a desire to become a real pilot, astronaut. Space is calling everyone! And will call. As the eternal call. "

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Cosmonauts selected the medical commission of the most respected specialists in the disposal of which were the most advanced clinical, physiological, biochemical and electrophysiological devices and methods. It was an incredibly difficult thing for doctors and patients, the first small step to fly, which helps to identify the physiological capabilities and resources of the organism, as well as the physiological characteristics of a person.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Gagarin were good eyes, heart and lungs. Head office surgical NS Ivlev carefully researched X-rays of the spine. Soon after the first meeting with the chief surgeon of the Soviet Army AA Vishnevsky, which allows Yuri Alexeyevich begin special training. Well done and showed himself Gagarin during vestibular tests on a swivel chair and special swing an experienced aviation physician II Bryanova.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Ability of the organism Yuri were awesome. On all load (functional tests he had good results, showing plasticity adaptive mechanisms to a variety of factors (vibration, overload, hypoxia).

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Important stage of preparation - clinical and psychological examination. It should pass candidates in Research Aviation Hospital under the guidance of experienced psychologists recognized Gorbov F. and K. Iosiliani. At the first meeting with psychologists Gagarin knew that will work with tables, equipment, psychological tests, to answer the many questions put to the test memory, intelligence, speed, intellectual and emotional reactions, resourcefulness, initiative. Gagarin acted and answered questions accurately and flawlessly. External interference will not affect the quality of his answers. Demonstrated a special ability to evaluate Gagarin available to it time and plan their actions, the ability to without undue hesitation to make decisions with a lack of information and time. It was found that in stressful situations and unusual circumstances, it is cool, resourceful, quickly assesses the situation and skillfully respond to sudden changes in experimental conditions.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Gagarin had just complicated antiorthostatic sample. It again tightly fastened to the table with straps. Within 10 min. he calmly remained in a horizontal position. The technician recorded physiological parameters. Then the table together with Gagarin turned in a vertical position and 20 min. recorded electrocardiogram, pressure, brain biocurrents. The next position - upside down (tilt 60 °). The survey followed the survey. Sought not only hidden pathology or reduced resistance of the organism to the conditions of space flight, but also figured out, so to speak, the compatibility of the earthly man with the cosmos.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Gagarin was tested on a shaker, raised in the chamber, spun in a centrifuge, checked memory and ability to concentrate. At any stage of the test pilot had any right to refuse to further research and to leave the hospital (such cases have been). But Gagarin was not going to back down.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Yuri is surprisingly observant and a good memory. He knew all the staff by name and patronymic, he was a great psychologist. All know how to help and support kazhdogo.Prishlo time Gagarin and Bykovskii to pass the test in the chamber on tolerance to hypoxia. On the eve of trial Yuri walked on damp dark alleys. Admiring the autumn, spicy-smelling carpet burgundy-red leaves. I wanted to turn away, to "disown" from the upcoming ... tomorrow morning after the charge and blood pressure measurement Gagarin and Bykovskii appeared before Chief barolabo-tory GP Mikhailovsky. To "high" 5 th. Meters, breathing atmospheric air, they had to sit for 30 minutes. Speed ​​of ascent and descent is about 15 m / s. The test is completed. Conclusion physicians' tolerance to hypoxia good. "

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
The next step - stay at an "altitude" 6 th. Meters, then on the "height" of 14 thousand. Meters, but with oxygen for 20 minutes at a speed of ascent and descent 20 to 45 m / s. Every time in history Gagarin appeared optimistic note: "Pass." Test went according to plan. Began preparations for examinations in a centrifuge. And now meets their laboratory accelerations - a small one-story wooden building, placed in the park. In the center of the circular room, an area of ​​about 70 m2, was centrifuge. It has two shoulder radius of 3.6 m. Near control panel, complex medical devices, doctor's desk. Gagarin carefully considering the treacherous machine, sits in a chair. He is well known that the centrifuge broke the dreams of many of his colleagues.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Early in the morning he was clearly reported to the doctor AR Kotovskaya and P. Suvorov: "Lieutenant Gagarin to the test ready!" Suvorov asks again carefully read the instructions. Lab Valya Denisova stuck electrodes for registration of the electrocardiogram sensors for determining blood pressure and recording of hemodynamic parameters. Gagarina weighed respectively to its weight (68 kg) to the opposite end of the centrifuge balance (sandbags). Yuri is already in a chair, locked, ready to run, trains at the speed of light extinction signals. To do this, Suvorov, the green lights on the scoreboard, which is located in front of the eyes of the subject, and Gagarin, pressing the tangetki extinguishes them. And finds a great reaction. Then check vision: all right.
The first stage of the test - the effect of accelerations in the direction from the head to the pelvis in three, five, seven units (for 30 seconds each) - Gagarin successfully withstood. And there is still more difficult test.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
In the latest series of surveys on the centrifuge designed transverse overload towards chest-back with back angle from vertical to 65 °. The rotation of the centrifuge was carried out as follows: seven units within three minutes, nine and ten units - two minutes. Daily conducted only one rotation. The medical record is written: "The cross-directional congestion at seven, nine and ten units of Yuri Gagarin suffered well. Admitted to special training. " By decision of the main committee to select candidates for astronauts, pilots of 250 were found to fit only 20 of them - Gagarin, Titov, Nikolayev, Popovich, Leonov, Bykovskii ...

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
In March 1960, a detachment of future astronauts placed in the building of the Central meteorological airfield. Frunze, opposite the Dinamo metro. Leader and mentor of the first group of cosmonauts was appointed a well-known pilot Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant-General N. Kamanin, the first head of the Cosmonaut Training Center - an experienced doctor Aviation EA Karpov. On March 15 of the first group of cosmonauts began planning lessons, training. Initially, classrooms, training benches and playgrounds located between the metro stations "Airport" and "Dynamo", and then moved to Moscow in Star City, whose name gave Yuri Gagarin.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
On the basics of rocketry, the design of spacecraft and its systems, classes were Feoktistov, MK Tikhonravov and VI Sevast'ianov. Classes in space medicine was performed by one of its founders - VI Yazdovskiy. Yazdovskiy Korolev very much appreciated for their high professionalism, responsibility and memory. Lectures and space communications. It was already known that during the first space flight will be an operational system "Dawn", and call sign of the first cosmonaut would "Cedar". The main point of space communications was in Moscow, radio communications should take place on two systems - on ultrashort wave and shortwave. Much attention is paid training cosmonauts Sergei Korolev. With each of the cosmonauts Sergei Korolev met and talked, studied, watched, identify physiological characteristics. Weekday group of cosmonauts were loaded to the limit.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Every free minute of training surrendered sports: volleyball, basketball, a recognized leader in which, despite a slight increase was Yuri Gagarin, the game with the ball, jumping into water from a springboard and tower, exercise on a trampoline, loping, swing, Rhine wheel.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Along with athletics and sports games, and used a complex methodology: improved coordination, the ability to use the body in space, trained vestibular apparatus. Significantly increases stamina and power quality Gagarin. Was growing overall physical fitness of the organism, and thus improved and the response of the cardiovascular system to exercise. Improved coordination, stronger muscles. All this was of great importance to prepare for skydiving. In May 1960 silver "IL-12" with the pilots on board (there were eight) headed for Saratov. Here at the airport near the city of Engels had a new challenge - parachute.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Gagarin's first jump was extremely successful. Everything seemed to be favored him. Weather Flight, excellent condition. Of course, affected composure and discipline Yuri, his stable confidence in the success of any business. So this time are correctly separated from the aircraft and landed safely. But the instructor still pointed narrow alignment of the feet and the small deflection of the body. Throughout the training cycle Gagarin showed rare poise and confidence. Before one of the jumps from a height of four thousand. Meters delayed deployment of the parachute to 50 with his pulse was 80 beats per minute! Quickly to develop his skills fluency body in space when skydiving. And just in his account Yuri had been 43 leap.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Ahead of the new test. At this time, in the chamber of silence. July 26, 1960 trim and slender Gagarin arrived in the room isolation chamber. She was in Tepliy park near the stadium "Dynamo". No light, no noise, no steps do not penetrate into the chamber of silence. In complete isolation from the outside world is a future astronaut. Ten days will it stay the same. To work, to perform specific tasks, remain focused and attentive, relying only on themselves. Passed the final preparations. Lab strengthened sensors and electrodes for recording the respiratory rate, biocurrents brain and electrocardiograms. Heavy thick door closed behind him, separated from the familiar world expensive. For every day schedule was drawn up. In the morning fizzaryadka, ergometer, walking and jogging in place, testing, and monitoring and reporting on temperature, pressure isolation chamber, keeping a work diary and much more. Duty not communicate, though laughing at the jokes on the inexhaustible imagination of the subject.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Gagarin's menu consisted of the contents of the tubes with soups, smoked sausage, cream cheese, bread. With each passing day the number of entries in the duty of doctors - Clocking all activities and astronaut health during the day. In the forced loneliness Gagarin read Pushkin, Mayakovsky, use the library, donated by future astronauts publisher "Young Guard". Enthusiasm was making, singing his favorite "I love you, life." Ran out of the tenth day. Opened the massive door, and there was Gagarin ... the same as always, healthy, cheerful, but only terribly missed the people and human speech. Survey confirmed: response to isolation was adequate, there was a quick orientation in the environment, self-control, emotional stability, sense of humor, friendly attitude towards people.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Upcoming tests in weightlessness. The astronauts had to perform three parabolic flights. In the first flight, they became acquainted with the state of weightlessness, practiced conducting radio communications. Second - studied the coordination of movements, visual acuity, the ability to receive food. In the third - recorded physiological parameters. The results of each mission carefully analyzed physicians. For the three parabolic flight Gagarin was rated "excellent." Started obzhivanie "Vostok". Astronauts thoroughly studied ship, took possession of his complex systems. Some of their proposals promptly implemented engineers and designers. Gagarin was the first testing new suits in the spacecraft simulator. He first had to take the exam of the State Commission on Space Technology. Again, the grade "excellent".

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
April 10, 1961 The State Commission has decided that the first flight into space, Yuri Gagarin. His understudy was appointed German Titov. In response Gagarin replied simply: "The job will be done." Twelfth April 1961 the world did not know that preparing a sensational event of the century. Senior Lieutenant Gagarin and Titov got up at 5:30 am, made a charge, washed, had breakfast. Doctors conducted a preflight inspection, helped astronauts wear spacesuits. A special bus Gagarin and Titov delivered to the launch pad at Baikonur.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
Before you go up the elevator to the cabin, Gagarin smiled, "Well, my friends, one for all and all for one!" And then we were told the words that now knows by heart every astronaut: "What we can say at this moment before the start of ? All my life now seems a perfect moment. All that lived before, was made for this moment. I know that I will gather all his will to the best of the job, understanding the responsibility of the problem. I will do everything in my power ... I say to you, dear friends, - Goodbye! - As always talk to each other people, going on a long journey. I wish I could hug you all, friends and strangers, near and far. "

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
At 8:55 the doctors once again spent a record performance. Gagarin repeatedly reported that ready to start. At 9:07 the "East" was released on the legendary Gagarinskoe orbit. At 9:48 Gagarin passed: "He feels good, cheerful mood." At the moment the world has heard the voice of Yuri Levitan, "April 12, 1961 the Soviet Union launched into orbit around the Earth the world's first spacecraft-satellite" Vostok "with a man on board."

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961
At 10:45 Yuri Gagarin landed near the village of Smelovka Saratov region. By a curious coincidence, where for the first time rose into the sky on an airplane. He was met by his wife Anna forester Akimovna Tarhanova with granddaughter Rita and farmer Rudenko. He stepped out to meet them: "Hello, I'm - cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin." He smiled as soon as he was able to smile one.

Yuri Gagarin. From the archives of the magazine Life, 1961