August 14, 2010

Tent city for the homeless


Tent city for the homeless

After years of struggle with the homeless, some cities are still in their position and are willing to close their eyes to their existence due to the crisis. The main city of the state of Tennessee, Nashville has become a haven for many homeless people, and in their camps have portable toilets, garbage truck and a mobile medical van. In the camp from time to time visited by social workers.

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1) David Widmer stands on the banks of the Cumberland River in the background of the business center in Nashville Tilt City on Wednesday. A staircase leads to the site from which the inhabitants of a settlement "homeless" go down to the river to swim. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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2) David Olson smokes cigarettes with his family in the early morning in a tent Tilt City in Nashville. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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3) Mr. Olson can not find a job , so he has to live in a tent city until everything is adjusted. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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4) Jack Adkins built a house in his own hands Tilt City of wooden slats. The house has a small stove and a bed. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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5) Mr. Adkins sits in what he calls the "office" at home in the tent city. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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6) Howard Purdy (left) and Russell Smith, drinking coffee from a cross with the inscription "Look good in all" in Tilt City. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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7) Mr. Smith is a native of Nashville bricklayer by profession, he lives in a tent city in February and now can not find work. He and Mr. Purdy brewed coffee in his tent. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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8) Mr. Purdy chopping wood for the fire. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)

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9) Clothes donated by local residents for the residents Tilt City, lying on the ground. Also, children's clothing in private ads give. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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10) Rooster "Nati" got his nickname in honor of the beer "Natural Light", because he likes to drink it from the bowl in a tent in Mr. Widmer Tilt City. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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11) 39-year-old Lawson Motte smoking and drinking coffee in his tent in a tent city. He has lived here since 2009. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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12) Mr. Motta lost his home due to a fire in Mississippi, after his marriage broke up. Motte came to Nashville to find his father, but he refused to accept it. Motte did not want to go back to Mississippi and now lives in a tent city. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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13) Mr. Widmer walks in his "home". He and another resident, whom everyone called "Papa Smurfit" make crosses of wood found in the district to earn a little cash. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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14) According to statistics, in Nashville there are 4,000 homeless people and only 765 beds designated for them. But soon, it may be a little more available seats. Tennessee will receive $ 53 million from federal agencies to assist in the development of affordable rental housing across the state. (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)
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15) Mr. Widmer goes to the Cumberland River on the overgrown path far away from their "home." (Josh Anderson for The Wall Street Journal)

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