August 20, 2010

Devil's Pool

Flowing buzzing flow of water from a height of flying twice as high as Niagara Falls, a kilometer in length, is passed through the mouth of his Millin 750 liters per minute - all Victoria Falls (Victoria Falls) in Zimbabwe. It creates a mist of spray, which the locals call it "The smoke that thunders." Antiquity near the cliff going shamans and sorcerers, where they performed magic rites and sacrifices.

But he is known not only for its history as the pool, located near the cutoff. Natural pool, a width of about 20 meters, is located at the edge of the waterfall. From the abyss it separates only a narrow bridge width is not more than half. Not surprisingly, this is a place called Devil's Pool (Devil's Pool)

About Victoria Falls itself, I'll tell you more as a later, and you still can recall and other beautiful waterfalls that we saw.

Swim in the pool - this is an extreme ride for real daredevils. However, if you throw a challenge to adventure, to be sure - experiences and emotions of the trip will last a lifetime.
So, we need to follow in South Africa on the Zambezi River between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

There is the beautiful Victoria Falls, or as it is called, Moss-oa-Tunya, which means "snaps smoke."
Famous natural attraction in Victoria Falls - Devil's Pool. What is his devilish nature and uniqueness?
But the fact is that not every tourist venture immediately bathe in it, because the Devil's Pool is located right at the edge of the waterfall.
Lying in the pool, and at arm's length the water falls down from a height of 128 meters. The spectacle is impressive.

Devil's Pool is located near Livingston Island, on the Zambian side. When in the Zambezi River safe and sufficient water level, usually between September and December, people can swim in the pool so close to the coast as possible, and not be afraid to lean over the edge of the pool or fall into a waterfall.
And maybe it's due to natural stone walls under the water and at the edge of the waterfall, which will stop you and will not let fall down, despite the flow of water.

Here is how the traveler Clive Andrews describes Devil's Pool, "No matter how many times my guide Vincent assured me that it is quite safe - to jump into the pool. I could not decide, but imagine how I fall. It took me an hour, until I stumbled on the rocks at the bottom of the river, and came to the pool.
So I gritted my teeth and jumped into the Devil's Pool, of course, after Vincent jumped first. Water carried me to the edges, but I did not fall from a height, because natural stone stopped me.
Not only that, these stones saved my life, they are also given the opportunity to sit down and look at the beautiful rainbow that appeared over the waterfall.
Believe me, incredibly scenic landscape of breathtaking. "

Now refers to the Victoria Falls World Heritage Site. If you're in these parts, be sure to take a tour and extreme jump in the Devil's Pool.
How to get there: The Devil is a waterfall on Livingston Island.
Where David Livingstone first saw the Victoria Falls, said: "The place is so beautiful that they can not stop looking at even the angels of heaven."

The island is accessible by boat from the Royal Livingstone Hotel, which is located in the town of Livingston.

Going into the pool water you with his whole being feels like a ton of rapid water flow fly next to your body. At any moment you can be "one of the drops" this stream and fly away into the abyss. One has only to go down into the water, as for immediately drags you to the edge of the cliff. Not grab for that neither hands nor feet. The rocks are very slippery, covered with algae, mad flow. Only guides deftly jump on the edge of a cliff, having fun looking at the terrified faces of tourists who dared to go in the "pool."

And here is the waterfall:

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