August 21, 2010


Landscapes Scandinavia always make breathlessly infinitely admire their magnificent beauty. And unusual reliefs and rock formations of the Scandinavian mountains, enchant and entice.

One of these creatures of the Nordic nature - it Trolltunga, better known under the name - "Language Troll." In Norse mythology, a lot of attention is paid to troll. These mythical creatures occupy an important place in the culture and history of this country.

Trolltunga - stone ledge in its form is very reminiscent of a sharp tongue. Once upon a time it deviated from the creation of a stone base of the cliff, and, having broken away, still stood at a height of 800 meters above the lake.

"Language Troll" is located on Mount Skeggedal, near a small town called Oddo. With "Language Troll" offers a breathtaking view of the lakes and valleys of Norway. Although Trolltunga considered one of the most dangerous sites in Norway, it annually attracts thousands of tourists who risked their lives to try to come as close as possible to the edge of a cliff, to capture the best shots.

Undoubtedly, the view from the "Troll's Tongue" incredibly beautiful and majestic! Mighty mountains, like giant sentinels - giants stand guard Scandinavian lands and Ringedalsvanneta, lakes, and over which hung a "Language Troll." It extends to the bottom of a deep valley and attracts tourists views.

But not so - then just climb the "Language Troll"! Although many tourists have gone through this interesting and picturesque way, paving the way for new pioneers, the road to Trolltunga a sort of a small test. To begin with, you have to overcome obstacles in the form of fast, mountain rivers, waterfalls deal with the walls, cross series cleanest lakes, forests and mighty band arrays harsh mountain snows. But it's worth it!

On the way to the "language of the Troll" There is a staircase and a length of 950 meters, which helps the passage way. There is also a cable car, but unfortunately, it does not always function. The route is not so difficult, the more the place is very scenic and travel time fly by.

Having been on a rock 'Language Troll ", you can visit this unusual place more than once. It is only here, standing high above the sea level, felt the sensation of flight and freedom. There is a desire to be a bird to be able to hover over these unruly expanse of mountains and feel the coolness of the cleanest lakes in ...

Some daredevils climb Language Troll and even go to the end, without fear that it will collapse. It is a challenge to fate, or maybe just the luck of the next person who comes to the rock, that it does not come down right now! But when a crash!

From the place where you can put the car (parking fee: daily parking 100 NOK, daily - 200 NOK) to get to the language on foot will have about 5 hours, most of which will go to the mountain. Prior to 2008, the first part of the route (one of the most difficult) you could drive by cable car (: en: Mågelibanen). Currently funicular closed and the repair is not enough money.

Beginning of the route up the mountain

May already be repaired? Anyone know?


Where do trolls come from?

When the climate warmed and the glacier crept to the north, people came from the south. They settled here and named the country Norway, which means "The Road to the north."
They called themselves "nurmenn" - northern men. They saw how beautiful the country was, and thought that they were its first inhabitants, but soon people found out that the whole country is already inhabited by a variety of amazing creatures, who living in the most unlikely places.
In the mountains - and there were many - trolls.
The most powerful among them was Dovregyubben.
Some of them were giants - the trees and mosses growing on their heads and noses. Others were small.
They can only be seen at night or at dusk, as these creatures are not transferred daylight. Trolls were similar to humans, but all had long noses (old women often use their noses for stirring porridge in boilers). All trolls had hooked tail.
They were scary-looking but simple-minded and gullible. And it often happened that they dupe peasant boys.
Among the many supernatural abilities trolls was the fact that they could turn into anything.
Troll could, for example, to turn into an incredibly beautiful girl. Such called Holdre - witch. They lured hunters and blue-eyed guys in the mountains. So you always had to look at them from behind - they could not hide his tail.
Even today, walking in the woods or near the lakes and waterfalls remember trolls. They usually are not evil but even so be careful. With the onset of twilight you're not alone. It's no wonder on Christmas Eve krestyanin exhibited over the threshold of a full bowl of porridge which always is eaten.

Troll - in the old German and Baltic myths strong and ugly giants, living and keeping their treasures in the mountains. According to legend, trolls belonged to the people and to their potential enemies Ёtunam sometimes extremely hostile, however, makes people just what many claim: trolls extremely stupid.

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